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Indoor temp. from HA
Temperature indoor: 23.4°
sensor updated: 30-12-2024 05:05:16

Battery state from Shelly Pir 
Battery: 99 %
sensor updated: 29-12-2024 01:07:19

Plugins : https://wpgetapi.com

Install 2 plugins WPgetAPI  and “code snippets”
Configure HA to allow remote api, https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/api/
Create a long-lived access token https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/auth_api/#long-lived-access-token
configure WPgetAPI – remember to add the two header parameter as described here https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/api/rest/
if you want to format the output, use “Result Format” as “php array data” and then use the guide https://wpgetapi.com/docs/formatting-json-data/